Advising for Seniors

Congratulations - You are almost done!
As an impending graduate, you have certain responsibilities that you will need to take care of before you can graduate. For example, it may surprise you to find out that you actually need to apply to graduate. (More on that below.)
To preempt any surprises or problems with your graduation, we recommend that you review all of the FAQs below and make sure that you have done everything that you need to do.
If you don't find an answer that you are looking for below, visit the registrar's website for more FAQs for seniors.
FAQs for Seniors
You need to make sure that you:
1. Meet all graduation requirements
2. Apply to graduate before the deadline
3. Take GLBL’s senior exit survey
We recommend that, before the Fall semester of your senior year, you meet with your GLBL Advisor to make sure that you are on track to graduate on time.
There are 4 categories of requirements. All of these are displayed in the ARR.
1) General Undergraduate Degree Requirements (e.g. 120 units minimum)
2) General Education Requirements (Lower and Upper Division)
3) SSU (Seawolf) Graduation Requirements (e.g. Critical Race Studies)
4) GLBL Major Requirements
For each requirement, your ARR will show
- Green Circles (completed)
- Yellow Diamonds(taking)
- Red Squares (incomplete)
After you have registered for your final semester at SSU, if you still see any Red Squares, contact your GLBL major advisor immediately.
You can apply to graduate once you have completed 90 units and have at least 15 units completed in residence (at Sonoma State).
You must complete the online graduation application by the posted Graduation Filing Deadlines.
Due dates are typically:
February 1: to graduate at the end of the Spring or Summer Semester
September 15: to graduate at the end of the Fall Semester
To verify the deadline dates, visit the Official Graduation Website
For instructions on how to file for graduation, follow the instructions here How to apply online to graduate
We are still developing a systematic process. We will update this information as soon as we can.
If you are graduating at the end of a Spring or Summer semester:
- Your name will appear in the May Commencement Book for that year. You can join that Spring ceremony.
If you are graduating at the end of a Fall semester:
- Your name will appear in the following May's Commencement Book. You can join that Spring ceremony.
If you would like to participate in the earlier May ceremony, email and ask for an exception. Provide your name, major, student ID, and graduation plans. You will receive a message from a contact at the appropriate school within 10 days.
Remember: Commencement is a ceremony that celebrates all of your hard work. It is not the same thing as graduating from SSU.
- You actually graduate at the end of the semester in which you complete all of your degree requirements.
- Several weeks after the end of the semester, SSU will send your diploma to your address on file. As well, your transcript will show graduation status after you have met all requirements.
No one can graduate with an INCOMPLETE grade on their record. You may postpone your graduation to the semester in which your requirements will be completed or you may ask your instructor to issue a final grade.