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Hands wrapping around a globe

Global Studies students are active inside and outside the classroom, on-campus and in the community.

The administrative home for Global Studies students is the Department of Geography, Environment and Planning (GEP). Global studies and GEP students take classes together and participate in the GEP/GLBL Student Club. The club organizes events such as hikes, pot-luck dinners, and volunteer activities.  


Global Studies grants distinction to graduates who have served the global community above and beyond the requirements of the major. Recent recipients include:

Jessica Landas | 2020

Portrait of Jessica Landas
  • Major: Global Studies
  • Study Abroad: CSUIP: Madrid, Spain
  • Service Internship: Worked for Adsis Foundation in Madrid, Spain
    • Worked with at-risk Spanish students and immigrants from Latin America
    • Developed English language teaching materials and provided lessons for young adults developing job skills
    • Worked with students on the soccer field 
  • Additional service
    • Took a year leave of absence from SSU to intern with Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration/ Europe, Central Asia, and the Americas; Washington D.C.
    • Played soccer for the SSU team

Brooke Penfold  |  2018

Penfold Picture
  • Double Major: Global Studies & Spanish
  • Study Abroad: CSUIP: Santiago, Chile
  • Service Internship: Worked Fondacio Chile in Santiago, Chile.
    • Worked with persons with physical and mental disabilities in an ergonomic greenhouse to grow medicinal herbs
    • Participated in an after-school program helping kids with homework and organizing educational activities
    • Worked with the homeless, distributing donations, preparing meals, and socializing with members of the community
  • Additional service
    • Volunteered as a teaching assistant at a bilingual school
    • Volunteered as a tutor teaching citizenship, ESL, and computer classes to immigrants throughout Sonoma County
    • Helped organize donations to the American Red Cross after the Tubbs Fire

Jibranh Ortega  |  2015

Ortega Picture
  • Major: Global Studies; Minor: Latin American Studies
  • Service Internship: Worked for La Casa del Migrante in Tijuana, Mexico
    • Lived with migrants in a group shelter for three months
    • Provided orientations and hospitality to migrants (e.g. food, access to medical and legal assistance, and help finding jobs)
    • Helped raise awareness of migrant issues through various local media in Tijuana
  • Additional service
    • Recruited volunteers for La Casa del Migrante upon return
    • Served as a student Leader for SSU’s delegation to the Model UN

Johanna Javaluyas  |  2014

Javaluyas Picture
  • Major:Global Studies; Minor: Geography
  • Study Abroad: Chengdu, China & Bangalore, India (one semester each)
  • Service Internship: Worked for Earth to City in Mulalillo, Ecuador
    • Lived in a small farming community for three months
    • Helped promote organic methods of market gardening
    • Helped promote organic products in local farmers markets
  • Additional service
    • Worked with street children in Bangalore, facilitating their own service initiatives, such as art projects and garbage cleanup

Ben Fine  |  2013

Fine Picture
  • Major:Global Studies
  • Service Internship: Worked for El Salvador North America (ENSA)
    • Lived and worked in the region of Caluco, a poor rural region of El Salvador
    • Helped build a school kitchen, installed solar lights, taught English, and facilitied donations of clothing and supplies
    • Helped develop training programs for local community members to become electricians, potters, wood carvers, etc.
  • Additional service
    • Became a leader within the ENSA organization, managing volunteer groups and promoting ongoing initiatives

Carissa Green  |  2012

Green Picture
  • Major:Global Studies
  • Service Internship: Worked for Bayer Farm Neighborhood Park and Gardens, Ethnobotony Project
    • Helped neighboring families grow their own fruits and vegetables in the community garden
    • Helped built a database of herbs and remedies; helped build a medicinal plant garden
    • Trained to become a Health Promoter, and then produced presentations on healthy meals and recipies through the Free Lunch Program
  • Additional service
    • Became a community leader for Bayer Farm, organizing activities for the community