Catalog Descriptions
BA Degree
Foundation Courses
Language Requirement
For course descriptions, see (Modern Langauges and Literatures)
Cultural Perspectives
ANTH 203 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3) Fall, Spring
Examination of the anthropological approach to the study of human behavior. Exploration of human dependence on learned, socially transmitted behavior through consideration of ways of life in a broad range of societies. GE D
GEP 203 Human Geography (3)
A study of the interrelationships between man and the physical environment. Attention is focused on man's role in changing the face of the earth, and on the manner in which the cultures of peoples have influenced their utilization of the environment. Diverse theories of man-environment relationships are discussed. GE D
Environmental Perspectives
GEP 201 Global Environmental Systems (3)
An integrated study of the physical environment, focusing on the processes and relationships between the four spheres: the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Major topics include global and regional patterns of climate and weather, soils, distribution of plants and animals on earth, and erosional and depositional processes that create landforms on the earth's surface. Also explored are possible links between human activities and changes in climate and vegetation patterns and dominant landform processes. Field trips and hands-on lab exercises included. GE B1
GEP 206 Society, Environment and Development (3)
The course helps students understand the sustainability of several different types of human-environment relationships, and students' own roles in perpetuating or changing those relationships. Following an introduction to Earth’s environmental systems, the course critiques several modes of understanding specific environmental problems caused by development. Course concludes with an extended study of one globally important human-environment-development nexus. GE E
Political Perspectives
POLS 303 Comparative Political Analysis (4)
Reviews the principal concepts and theories of comparative politics, and assesses the institutions that comprise varied systems of government. Concrete examples taken from modern systems will be applied throughout the course. Special attention is focused on the political systems of Britain, France, Japan, Russia, and China. Students are assigned research projects on political systems of developing nations.
POLS 304 Theory and Analysis of International Relations (4)
An introductory analysis of the dynamics of the international political system, stressing the roles of supranational organizations, internal and external factors in foreign policy formulation by nation-states. Review of traditional and contemporary theories of international interaction.
POLS 315 Modern Political Ideologies (3-4)
An introduction to the major ideas of key theorists on the belief systems of democracy, capitalism, and socialism. A consideration of the actual strengths and shortcomings of some of the current world's major political/economic systems that attempt to put these ideas into practice. GE D
Historical Perspectives
HIST 202 Development of the Modern World (3) Fall, Spring
An introduction to modern and contemporary history from 1500 CE to the present. Developments include the impact of Western expansion on the Americas, Africa and Asia; the reaction of non-Western people to Western expansion; the growth of nationalism and the national state; the industrial and political revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries; World Wars I and II; decolonization, the emergence of the superpowers and the end of the Cold War. Required of all history majors. Satisfies part of the Social Sciences Single Subject Waiver Program. GE D
HIST 380 20th Century World (3) Fall, Spring
An exploration of the origins and development of 20th century ideas, institutions, and systems in global perspective. Forces that have united and divided the contemporary world community are examined: imperialism, science, democracy, communism, nationalism, militarism, racism, cultural traditionalism, and technological disparities. Fulfills part of the Social Science Single Subject Waiver Program requirement. GE D
Religious and Ethical Perspectives
ENG 304 War and Peace Lecture Series (3)
Students attend the public War and Peace Lecture Series and meet in discussion groups weekly to address a broad range of issues relating to the problem of war and prospects for peace. Lecturers represent diverse disciplines-e.g., economics, physics, peace studies, political science, sociology-and institutions. Discussion sessions synthesize material presented in lectures and outside readings and elicit students' personal responses to the issues raised. Reading and writing assignments required. GE C2
PHIL 302 Ethics and Value Theory (3) Fall and Spring
An introduction to the philosophical analysis of ethics, morality, and values, and a survey of the various systems of moral philosophy. The course covers such issues as: What is the good life? What considerations are relevant to making moral decisions? Are moral principles universal, or relative to a given society? How, if at all, can moral judgments be justified or moral disagreements resolved? Consult Schedule of Classes for topic to be studied. GE C2
POLS 307 Perspectives on the Holocaust and Genocide (4) Spring
A weekly lecture series on the Holocaust, genocide, and human rights. Guest lecturers and SSU faculty provide a variety of sociological and interdisciplinary perspectives on the topics. The course explores the intellectual, emotional, and ethical aspects of the Holocaust and seeks to deepen students' understanding of organized society, political leadership, democratic participation, and human nature. Students also attend a weekly discussion group to explore and synthesize information presented in the weekly lectures. Requirements include written position, midterm, and final papers. GE D
SOCI 431 Sociology of Religion (4)
Study of world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism), tribal beliefs, American sects and denominations. Theories of religious development, values, change, and effects on society. GE C2
World Regions Overview
GEP 305 and 306 World Regions in Global Context (3,3)
GEP 305 covers Europe, Russia/Central Asia, Africa and Latin America; GEP 306 covers Southwest Asia, South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia. Both courses considers many factors that can help shape a region, including economic development histories, political transformations, geopolitical challenges, social conditions (e.g. demography, urbanization, migration), resource endowments (e.g. oil and water) and environmental challenges (e.g. climate change).
Professional Preparation
GLBL 310 Professional Development (2), Spring Only
Covers topics essential for professional preparation in global studies. Students 1) explore career options and map out pathways to meet their goals; 2) prepare professional written documents such as resumes, cover letters and materials for social media; 3) develop professional oral skills such as networking, interviewing, and developing a professional pitch
Concentration Courses
As the options are numerous, please view course descriptions in the online catalog.
Capstone Courses
GLBL 497 Cross-Cultural Community Service Internship (3)
This is a supervised program of cross-cultural community service work and study for a governmental or non-governmental agency, completed either at home or abroad. A minimum of 135 hours of supervised work is required. Students will keep a daily journal of their experiences, and upon completion will submit 1) a formal letter from their internship supervisor, verifying hours worked and duties performed; and 2) a four-page essay summarizing their experience in rich personal detail. Information about a broad spectrum of internship options is available from the Global Studies coordinator, whose approval is required for all service internship proposals. Grade option: CR/NC only.
GEP 320 Geopolitics (4)
Geopolitics is the study of power in geographic space. Much of the field is dedicated to relations among national governments, though power operates at regional, local, and embodied scales as well. Our class begins with a review of dominant theories of geopolitics on the state scale from political and economic perspectives. We then explore power at other scales involving gender, race and class, and conflicts between colonizers and colonized, between states and insurgents, and involving control over environmental resources
GLBL 490 Capstone Project Methods (3) Fall Only
Students develop the methodological skills they need to produce a group research and writing project in the Senior Capstone course. They formulate research questions, conduct literature reviews and evaluate analytical frameworks. Students are also introduced to software and techniques that are specific to the group research and writing process. Fall only.
GLBL 491 Capstone Project (3) Spring Only
Students will produce a qualitative social science research project on a globally-relevant issue. Students will form several groups. Each group will conduct a different research project and produce a group-written capstone paper. Spring only